Tag Archives: new me

I’m back. 5 year update.


Hey… wasn’t really planned to write anything but I just remembered my blog and honestly am so embarrassed with what I wrote.

Are you kidding me? why didn’t anyone tell me how terrible that was? I hate the way I wrote, the way I swore, the way I acted.

Let’s start with some updates I guess?

1. I’ve obviously aged. 26 years old. Not much to say about that!

2. I graduated college (Associate’s Degree). No I didn’t do anything with it so, I currently owe $18000 for a whole lot of nothing. I mean let me not act like it wasn’t an achievement because it is an I’m glad I did it!

3. I have a job and I’ve been working there for close to two years now. The weirdest part is that it’s a call center of all places. If you remember, I’ve had sever social anxiety my whole life. This did help with my anxiety.

4. I no longer do drugs! I’ve just never really enjoyed them. They always had some negative side effect, therefore not being worth it. I’m sure you’re glad to find out I’ve never gotten addicted to anything.

5. I don’t have any cats. The income based housing I was living in didn’t allow it and I know it was stupid of me. I’ve always love and obsessed over cats, so I thought I could put smart the complex by sneaking. Never worked. I now have a free roam bunny and her name, of all names, is Kitty.

6. I’m still with the same man I talked about before. Another update about this is that I’m not airing my dirty laundry on here anymore, aka, not going to vent about relationship stuff. That’s tacky. No thanks.

7. If you’ve come this far and there’s actually someone reading, comment watermelon sugar.

8. I got pregnant. I was four months along when I had a miscarriage. It tore me up, but call it terrible, it was a blessing in disguise. I don’t want kids and I nor my boyfriend were in the least bit mature enough to raise a child.

9. My music taste changed. Well, kinda. I don’t think I knew my preferred genre till more recently. Id like to say if you cling to a single genre that’s a sad life. I’m more of an alternative/ indie person now but I like all sorts. If I continue blogging I’ll make music a whole post because frankly it’s a huge piece of my life.

Welp, if you’re still here. Thanks. I’m not expecting much but I thought I’d update a few things. I was kind of a loser before and I’m ashamed by some on the things I wrote. Honestly though, if I deleted them that almost be like deleting the old me, and that’s how I became the person I am today. Thanks for reading!